Want to begin practicing yoga?

As per my sister, Amanda’s request, I am going to share some tips on beginning yoga.  She has never taken a class before and wants to begin practicing after seeing how much yoga has affected my life.  Just get over the nerves about going to the first class and you’re in the clear.
When I went to my first yoga class, I had no idea what to expect.  I was nervous and didn't want anyone to watch me.  After that class, I had no desire to go back, I wasn't that good at it and I felt like everyone was watching me.  But when I stepped out of the studio and looked at the world around me, I felt something so extraordinary and unexplainable.  Since that first class I have never looked back, and made yoga and the way it made me feel an essential part of my life.

Here are some points I had to tell myself when I first began and what I recommend to my sister Amanda:
1. Remember there is no such thing as being “good at yoga”- Yoga is not something to be “good” at, it is a practice that helps to more deeply explore ourselves while learning to quite the mind.  There is so much pressure in today’s society to be perfect and get it right, but while participating in a yoga class each person has to keep the eyes closed and become the only one in the room.
2. Don’t think, just practice- When I first started yoga, just talking about going, usually made me make excuses to actually not go.  Just don’t think about going, get there, and forget everything else.  Actually showing up is the hardest part.
3. NO ONE IS JUDGING YOU- Being nervous the first couple classes are a given.  Know that in yoga, everyone is focusing on themselves and not concerned what everyone else is doing.  Just breathe, and let the mat be a personal sanctuary.
4. Listen to your body- Yoga can be challenging at first if you have never done anything like it.  Just ease in!  The way you treat your body during a practice, is a representation about how you take care of your body otherwise. When muscles are not as flexible, take time and focus on giving them what they need and let each breath get you closer to the goal.  Just listen to your body, you know what you can and cannot do.
5. Practice non-judgment, patience, and presence- Make the decision to go into every practice with an open mind and open heart.  Don’t judge yourself or decide that it is not happening or working.  Instead, welcome yoga and let each pose and breathe transport you to somewhere new.  Understanding the body’s limits works towards strengthening it from the inside, out.
And if you are still nervous about going to a yoga class, like I know my sister is?  Try doing a video at home.  There are hundreds and probably even thousands of beginner yoga classes online.  Try one at home, but it is even more important to listen to your body when at home.  If yoga is something new, there is a higher risk of getting hurting because poses might not be practiced correctly.  Take it slow and build up confidence to participate in a yoga class.
Here is a YouTube channel that is really good at easing into yoga for beginners. Click here  I would love be able to instruct everyone, especially my sister, but distance doesn't allow.

Beginning a yoga class may seem daunting, but I promise, just open your heart and allow a complete change in your mind, body, and spirit.  I know you will do amazing Amanda and everyone else how tries yoga for the first time. Good luck!


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