The Language of Yoga

When beginning yoga, taking a look at look at class schedules or listening to experienced yogis talk might be a little frightening.  Yoga phrases seem like an entirely different language, but don’t worry I’m here to help.

I have put together some of the most common yoga terms and phrases and decoded them.  I will continue to add new words and phrases as they come up in my blog and through our discussions. 

Understanding these words and phrases will help bring you one step closer to understanding the entirety of yoga and becoming one with the practice.

Asanas- “Manner of sitting,” an asana is any yoga posture or pose

Chakra- Energy centers throughout the body.  There are 7 chakras: the “base chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, brow or third eye chakra, and crown chakra.

Jnana Mudra- The hand position often used when meditating.  The tips of the forefinger and thumb come together while resting the palms facing upward.

Karma- An Eastern concept of cause and effect.  The belief is that karma is not a punishment for actions, it is simply the result of the action.

Mantra- A few words or syllables to repeat while meditating.  It should inspire, but not distract, the mind.

Meditation- Focusing and calming the mind often through breath work to reach deeper levels of consciousness.

Mudra- Positions of the body that have an influence on the energies of the body or mood.  Often the hands and fingers are held in mudra.

Namaste- A greeting or farewell of another’s soul.  Commonly used to begin and conclude practice.

Niyama- the 5 lessons or suggestions for how to treat yourself; Saucha (purification), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (perseverance), Svadhyaya (self-study), and Ishvara Pranidhana (devotion/surrender).

Om- Considered to be the first sound of creation.  The slow and steady sound used as a mantra, frequently chanted after and/or during yoga classes.  “A-U-M”

Prana- The life force energy

Pranayama- Controlled breathing or breathing techniques used during yoga.  Used to facilitate inner stillness and awareness.

Sanskirt- An ancient language of India and Hinduism.

Savasana- Final relaxation at the end of hatha yoga practices.  Literally translated as “corpse pose.”

Sun Salutations- A sequence of asanas often used to begin different yoga practices.  (mountain pose, standing forward bend, lunge, plank pose, chatarunga, upward-facing dog.)

Vinyasa- Any flowing sequence of poses. (cat-cow or sun salutations)

Yama- The five living principles that make up the ethical and moral foundations of yoga; Satya (truth), Ahimsa (nonviolence), Asteya (not stealing), Bramacharya (self-control and sexual responsibility), and Aparigraha (not grasping).

Yogi/Yogini- A male/female practitioner of yoga

Feel free to leave a comment if you want to know the meaning of another word/phrase used in yoga world. I will be happy to help!


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