Thanksgiving Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and be thankful for everything around you.  I make sure to take time out of every day to appreciate the world and those in my life.  Thanksgiving is more than just a cultural tradition, celebrating it and practicing gratitude can truly elevate your happiness.

Giving thanks for the good things in life like family and friends have really make you a happier person.  Gratitude increases spirituality, centers the mind, increases self-esteem, and energy levels. 

Although this time of the year we focus on things we are thankful for, it can also be very stressful and hectic.

The holiday season is full of dinners, parties, gift exchanges, and everything in between.  Trying to keep a clear mind and stay thankful for those people that cause grief, will help in the long run because without them, life would be different and thankfulness would have a different meaning.  A little bit a gratitude and thankfulness can change perspectives on just about every situation.

To keep my positive and thankful energy flowing I focus on something different each day.  It seems like a little much, but when you think about it, we have so much to give thanks for.  These are ways I express gratitude everyday

•    Keep a gratitude journal
•    Think about five things every morning that I am grateful for
•    Send thank you notes to those that help me and that I am thankful for
•    Utilize meditation to take time and reflect on the celebrations of the day
•    Vocalize my gratitude and tell those people how thankful I am for them in my life

I believe gratitude is one of the shortest paths to happiness.  I hope to inspire you to express gratitude for all that you have.  In the words of Lynne Twist, “what you appreciate—appreciates.”  Expressing gratitude for something or someone, attracts more of that aspect in life.  This thanksgiving, celebrate everything you have and be thankful, it is the quickest path to continued happiness.

I am thankful for so much, there is no problem spending time thinking about how each part makes my life so wonderful.  I challenge you to make time to be grateful every day and not just around thanksgiving.  What are you grateful for?


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