Turning can’ts into cans

Positive energy creates positive results.  I believe that one of the most important things in life is to maintain a creative optimistic view to share with the world.  A few days ago I was able to meet up with an old friend from college, grab some coffee, and catch up.  We hadn’t talked since college graduation, it was very interesting to see how both our lives had gone in completely different directions.  She had been married, had two children, and had recently gotten divorced.  During her marriage and after having children, she let herself go.  She stopped focusing on her physical health, mental health, and spiritual health, and instead focused her energy on others and the negative energy coming from the events happening.

She continued to tell me about her new epiphany, realizing she needed to start putting herself first and make a lifestyle change to recreate a new healthy individual.  Even though she realized that she needed to make a change she was still scared, and didn’t believe that she could do it.  Her response for everything was, “I really want to do this for myself, but I don’t think I can.”

It was heartbreaking listening to someone with such a passive negativity voice in their head.  I work hard every day to bring positivity into the world, and it is very hard encountering an old friend with very little positivity towards themselves.  The quote “Turn your can’ts into cans, and dreams into plans,” motivated me when I decided to take on the yoga lifestyle and embrace everything that makes me who I am.

I think society should try removing the word “can’t” from our vocabulary.  It creates unnecessary limits that we then believe to be true.  My advice to those of you like my friend, try to understand that only you hold the power to change the negative thoughts into positive ones.  Make the decision every day to only entertain positive feelings, envision achieving the dreams that may seem unreachable.

When I consciously focus on changing my mindset, it is easy believing I can make my dreams into plans.  It is hard not to get discouraged when the outcome doesn’t come quickly, but that is where the powerful positivity of the mind is necessary.  When I want something bad enough, I know I will find a way to work to get it. 

Stop using “can’t,” replace it with a smile and a “can.”  Believe you can and you will.


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