Simple Positive Affirmations

The power of a word has is often forgotten.  The words we use to communicate can totally change the meaning of a conversation and can ultimately become a reality.  What we tell ourselves can alter our mindset and change our conscious way of thinking.  I believe what we say and how we communicate to others is who we are and who we become.

Using words to elevate mood or positivity is a wonderful way to passively make your day or someone else’s day better. My four power words are:

Yes is one of the most positives words in the English dictionary.  Why not say yes to opportunities, to new adventures, new friends, or a new change.  I believe that “yes” is empowers people to become social butterflies and have better social success.  By saying yes, people are automatically drawn to you and want to be around you.  So why not, say YES.

Acknowledging others generosity by saying thank you, not only makes them feel good but also makes you feel grateful.  Saying please and thank you go a long way.  Recognizing hard work and kindness mean more than just the words you are using but making sure the kind others actions did not go unnoticed.  Society is constantly in high gear, making forgetting to say thank you very common. Take the extra two breaths and make a point to thank people.

There is always a possibility.  When you truly believe there is a possibility, anything can happen. When setting goals, the first step is realizing there is a possibility it can happen and creating the steps you need to make it a reality.  Everything is possible when you believe and work towards your goal.

Verbalize when you are feeling fortunate.  People who recognize how fortunate they are, are typically happier than those who do not.  I make sure I take time out of every day to journal about my daily life and how thankful and fortunate I am to have lived another incredible day.  Whenever I am feeling down about some I look back at everything I am fortunate to have and I realize my problems are so small compared to those around me.  Acknowledge how fortunate you are.

Do not forget how powerful words are.  

Whether you are having a conversation, thinking to yourself, or writing; words have to power to change a preexisting idea or thought.  I use words to bring positivity and happiness into the world.  How will your words affect others around you?



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