Problems every yogi faces

Today the studio was exceptionally warm and my poor students were sweating away.  The sun was beating in through all the windows creating such wonderful natural light but, it was also baking us in the room.  I was so proud of my students, none of them complained and continued to stay focused on their practice. 

After class, we managed to have quite a few laughs though.  We joked about how our mats became “slip and slides” and that our sweat was dripping in places it usually does not.  We ended up going to get tea and continue joking about “yogi problems.”  It was fun to laugh with them and see how much they really love yoga.

There was no way I wasn’t going to share our “yogi problems” with you.  For you yoga lovers out there, I am sure you can relate to the majority of them.

Dripping so much sweat during a power yoga or hot class that your mat turns into a slip and slide
Trying to do crow pose the first time and falling on your face
Being so sweaty when the instructor, me, comes to adjust you, I leave with wet hands
Running late to class, getting there and having nowhere to put your mat
Falling asleep during savasana, I used to do this all the time
Nothing to be ashamed of but, shaking during Ardha Chandrasana
Not remembering the Sanskrit names for the asanas
How distracting it is when the person practicing next to you has awful BO
The exciting feeling when you master handstands away from the wall
The pain after focusing on hip openers during a practice
Always having to remind yourself to square your hips during warrior one
Having to carry your mat the rest of the day after a morning practice
Being in downward facing dog and getting a foot cramp
And the best yogi problem I heard, wanting to do yoga at all times of the day because it is truly a blessing.

My students are so focused and solemn during the practice, I often forget that they are such entertaining and fun loving people.  Being able to listen to their “yogi problems” made me laugh and remember how light-hearted and funny I used to be when first starting yoga.

I am sure you have your own “yogi problems” and I would love to hear them.  Happy practicing!



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