Yoga Hiking Trip Recap

My two week vacation is over and I am back to reality.  It was such an incredible trip that really helped me find myself on an even deeper level.  I am so lucky to have a friend that is so similar to me that loves to do the same things I do.  She had a great time as well.  It was the perfect little vacation before the holidays start kicking in.

We spent 10 straight days hiking and practicing yoga just the two of us.  I am lucky that she knew where she was going because I think I would have gotten lost.  She had hiked the same mountain range before, but we took a bit of a different route this time.  Practicing yoga in remote areas where it is just you and nature is unexplainable.  There is something so magical that focuses you into your practice and places you in the exact present moment.

We spent the other days exploring around the park and discovering the natural beauty of the world around us.  I was sad leaving my friend and my vacation, but I was excited to come home to see my partner.  The 10 days we spent hiking I didn’t have any means of communication so I wasn’t able to talk to him for a while.  It was so great coming home and seeing him!

I was starving by the time I got home and as excited I was to see my partner I went straight to the pantry to get a snack.   To my surprise, my partner hadn’t gotten any groceries since I left.  He ate nearly everything in the house.  I could only laugh because I had a gut feeling that this would happen.

Instead of unpacking and getting my laundry started we went out to get some food and stop at the store to hold us over until we can go to the markets tomorrow. 

I think my partner felt a little bad there wasn’t any food for me when I got home so he took me to one of my favorite restaurants and treated me like a queen.  It was so great to sit down and tell him all about the trip and find out how his weeks were.  After dinner we stopped at the store and picked up just a few snacks and breakfasts foods.

As much as I loved hiking and camping I am really excited to sleep in my own comfy bed.  It was such a great trip, I think I am going to have to plan a longer trip with my partner so we can have some time to connect with each other and nature.  I am wiped out from the trip, off to bed I go.



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