Healing bad eating habits

Taking care of your body and your health is very important and effects how you live your life.

One of my friends has been workout out to get fit and healthy.  She has been doing well but is having difficulty breaking some bad eating habits she has.  I am not a nutritionist and am not certified, but there are some suggestions I believe can help break bad eating habits.

The most important thing to remember is that you want to eat food that makes you feel good.  If you listen to your body, it will tell you just how to eat.

Your body is a temple, so don’t fill it with garbage.  

Here are some techniques I believe help with breaking eating habits.

  1. Slow down and chew your food- Society has made us feel the pressure of a fast paced life and we never have time to sit down.  When eating it is important to take time to chew and digest food.  When you are in a rush you eat so quickly your body doesn’t have enough time to realize that it is full.

  2. Be conscious how you feel after eating- After 10-15 minutes do you feel tired, sick, hungry, unsatisfied, or energized, hyped, or happy?  Thinking about how food makes you feel can determine what your body needs to be sustained and feel good.  I like to keep a food journal about how food makes me feel.  If I get a stomach ache after something, I try to avoid it.
  3. Try changing your habits for a period of time- sometimes you need a week away from those habits to realize they are hurting your body.  I think that a vacation is the best way to do this…and the most fun.  When you are away from your typical food you are forced to have other kinds that might be the answer to your problems

  4. Try a vegetarian diet for a while- I know this might seem scary for you devoted meat eaters, but it really can change the chemical make up in your body for the better.  I am not a full vegetarian, I just prefer a vegetarian lifestyle.  My partner and I have done the 30-day vegetarian challenge many times and always feel so great after it.  I highly suggest it to help your body do a little maintenance. 

Acknowledging that you have a bad eating habit is the first step in making a change.  I have given my friend this advice that I use to maintain a healthy lifestyle and I really hope it works for her too.

Taking care of your body should always be the first priority.

Have you broken a bad eating habit, how did you do it?



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