Feeling tired? How to Change that

After my yoga classes, I often with a few of my students that have taken my class for a while.  Today we went to grab some coffee at a local coffee shop and catch up.  One topic we discussed was feeling tired during the day and before and after a workout.  It is common for people to get fatigued after an exhausting day at work, but if it happens often there could be a problem or a lifestyle change that can help.

In today’s society we are constantly running around and expending our energy.  It is unfortunate that feeling tired has become a normal, everyday feeling to many people.  But getting energy back to normal levels can be easier that it may seem.

Once I pin point the source of my exhaustion it is easy to change it and feel great.  Here are a few reason’s that might be causing fatigue.

1. You are what you eat.  I can vouch for this one.  When I have a cheat day and eat my favorite, not so healthy foods, I can feel an enormous change in my energy as well as in my emotions.  Caffeine and sugar can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate, in turn causing fatigue and tiredness.  When I am craving sugars and caffeine I reach for fruits and vegetable, they have fiber and good sugars to keep me alert and awake.

2. Get a good night’s sleep?  Obviously if you’re not getting a full night’s sleep, you are going to feel tired.  I don’t watch TV, but I suggest turning your TV off before getting into bed and avoiding eating a couple hours before.  Not getting enough sleep can also cause overeating the next day.  Getting a full 8 hours of sleep is necessary for living a healthy life.

3. Getting active can nix fatigue.  When I wake and am not feeling 100%, I head straight to the park or the gym to engage in vigorous exercise.  I can feel the adrenaline flow through my body during a good workout or run.  That adrenaline wakes me up and keeps me attentive and alert throughout the day.  I noticed when I incorporate 40 minutes of vigorous activity 3 or 4 days a week, I rarely become fatigued and I make better food choices and am generally happier.

Feeling tired or fatigued doesn't have to ruin your day.  Just take some time to evaluate what causes may be and focus on making better choices.  When I pin point what is the source of it is, it’s easy for me to change my habits and become re-energized.  My advice is to eat healthy, get a good night’s sleep, and get active.  It isn't hard to kick fatigue out of your daily life, just make some small changes and you will be amazed.


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